Thursday, December 22, 2005

I think I figured out why I hate Christmas

I think its partly because I don't have any kids of my own. This is by design, I have never wanted children. Since I don't have any, I have never had to 'make' Christmas for anyone, so I see it for what it is; a holiday of gluttony, over spending and excess. Don't get me wrong, normally those are right up my alley, but there seems to come with this a sense of entitlement. "Its Christmas so I can cut you off and in the spirit of forgiveness you won't run me off the road." "It's the season of forgiveness so I will push you at the mall, cut in front of you in line and take the last parking spot and you will not pull out a spoon and cut out my heart"

I wouldn't be so sure. If you think road rage is bad, add to that no parking, way too many people at your mall and rain and you better be wearing a Superman suit that really works.

Spaghetti be Thy name, RAmen.

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