Friday, June 02, 2006

"Is it just me, or..."

This rhetorical question is one of my biggest pet peeves*. Right up there with "irregardless" and "aluminium".

You know what? Whatever you are thinking/feeling/wondering is probably because of your own specific life experiences, or upbringing or body chemistry. So yes, it is just you!

For some reason I can sit in this office completely comfortable in a sweater with a geek vest over it no matter what time of year it is. Sometimes when it’s really cold, I will wear a zip front fleece jacket but even in the summer, the AC is usually enough that I will always wear my geek vest. I get to listen to everyone asking if it’s muggy, or too hot or whatever. They will notice if I wear a different pair of socks, but not the fact that I am always wearing a long sleeve shirt and geek vest.

So, I hate hearing the daily “is it just me or is it hot/cold in here?” GO OPEN THE DAMN DOOR AND DON’T LOOK FOR VALIDATION FROM ME! A lot of times I will say no, its rather cool, just to see if the offender will take their comfort into their own hands, others be damned. Most often, I get the illusion of thinking that my opinion is valued when the door stays closed and others suffer. I shouldn't notice these things, but I notice everything that people do and don't do and I didn't realize how much of it I catalog for later reference.


I need a hobby

*pet peeve, n : an opportunity for complaint that is seldom missed; often with irrational passion

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