I think we go through 4 major growth spurts in our lives if we are lucky.
infancy, puberty, sexual and spiritual. The spritual growth is the lucky one. Most people never quite get there. They get close, they peek through the door and see what it can be, but then never cross over. Never find their truth, their own path and their center. I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I have had a few very close friends who have helped me get closer to that center and closer to my own truth. I have watched as others have denied their own desires so as not to go too far against societal norms.
I don't like to say life is short, because lets be honest, its the longest thing any of us ever does. Life is not serious. Death is serious. Life is fun and should be that way in every aspect. Fun with friends, fun with lovers, fun at work, fun at play, smiles and laughter at every turn. I have had my share loss. Luckily, I have had friends remind me to remember the smiles and laughter of those who have gone before us. Also I know that I will meet up with them again. Nature abhors a vacuum. The place in my heart that was filled by the presence of those people past is substituted with someone else carrying their spirit. The people I have lost have never been replaced, there is just someone else carrying their spirit.
Sorry, I really don't know where this one was going.
You may not know where it was going.. but it was a great post anyway...
with a whole lotta truth.
Oh, and a stock tip too!
Thanks Mia, sometimes I am really lucid and others, I have no idea where I am going. For some reason I have attracted a fan base of stock traders. No idea.
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